A minha Galeria de fotos



Partilho aqui com quem me visita, algumas das fotos recentemente conseguidas – todas sobre o tema que mais me apaixona – na esperança de que a sua contemplação vos proporcione, pelo menos, uma fracção do prazer que me invade ao contemplá-las eu próprio.




O Outono vem chegando e, com ele, as folhas vão caindo

A white and red flower

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Um hibisco mostra-se em todo o seu esplendor

A pile of brown leaves on grass

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É Outono! As folhas dos plátanos e dos carvalhos deixam de receber seiva, caem e atapetam o solo

A body of water with plants and trees

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Um lago no parque do Monteiro-Mor (Lumiar, Lisboa)

A stone stairs with mossy rocks

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Um caminho escavado ao longo da cascata do parque do Monteiro-Mor (Lumiar, Lisboa)

A small pond with mossy rocks and leaves

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A água que escorre da cascata acumula-se numa bacia que escorre depois para o lago no parque do Monteiro-Mor (Lumiar, Lisboa)

A group of orange flowers next to a tree

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A group of mushrooms growing on the ground

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A tree with many roots

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A tree with many branches

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Two ducks swimming in a pond

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A group of orange flowers

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A stream running through a forest

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A green field with trees and mountains in the background

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A tree trunk with moss growing on it

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A group of yellow flowers in front of a green wall

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A flower in a wooden frame

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A field of green plants and flowers

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A pond with trees and plants


A group of white flowers in a circle of green grass

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Orange flowers next to a wall

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A tall plant with purple flowers

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A close up of purple flowers

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A tree trunk with vines and leaves

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A blue sky with white clouds

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A cloudy sky with the sun setting

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A stone bench in a forest

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